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a little about me:

     Firstly I know you noticed my blue hair. Yes I love it blue, it connects my personality and it means alot to me. My nick name is Blue but not becuase of my hair instead a dream someone happend to have and I ended up with the nickname, most people cannot pronounce my original name (Brynna) anyways so it worked out fine. 

     I currently have 3 dogs, Two Chi Chi's and a Husky, who is was the runt of the liter. I have a cat named Titan who likes to cause trouble. I have a mom who is an author known on amazon kindle she made top 20 in 2015 she goes by T.J Loveless. She now is planning to live in Scottland to live the rest of her life with my step dad who was born and raised in London, England.

     I love to swim, this last swim season I made it to championships and almost state I had my fastest time of 30 seconds in a 50 free qualifying time was 28 seonds. I also had a fast time of 1:07 in the 100 free and qualifying time was 1:04. Not only do I love just swimming in water I wish to become a Marine Biologist studying the great Mola Mola also commonly known as the Sunfish. I plan to graduate high school with high GPA's to get into school in Germany for the first 2 years than I will qualify for scholarships into school in Austrailia and hopefully getting intership along the way.

     I love to read, reading is my favorite thing todo out of school especially if im very interested in the book. My favorite series would be PSS chronicles by Ripley Patton. I'm currently passing honors English. I always hated shakespeare until I gone to this class, my teacher made it seem more amazing than I originally thought and in fact it is. I own a book thats called "Lamb tales of Shakespeare" in two years (2018) it will be 100 year old! I plan to protect it with my life. 



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